Monday, December 8, 2008

One semester down, seven to go

I expected college to be the time of my life and everything to just fall into place and be perfect.

What I didn’t expect from college is that it would be difficult and some of the teachers barely speak English. I’ve enjoyed being in a FIG because it allowed me to meet a lot of people and develop many friendships. Whether we are studying for psychology or venting about biology, I am positive that we all enjoy the sense of community that the FIG environment provides.

The biggest piece of advice I can give to incoming freshman and future figlets would be to get involved, but also to know your limits. I was involved in everything in high school and my grades suffered because I never quit any activity. But in college, the second (or maybe a few seconds) after I realized I was in way over my head with commitments to organizations I had joined, I began to eliminate some of my commitments. I’ve never been a quitter and had previously looked down on quitting, but I realized that I wouldn’t be able to achieve my full potential if I was weighed down with so many commitments outside of the classroom.

The thing I enjoy most about college is the variety of new and interesting things available for me. For instance, you can go watch a ballet at Jesse Auditorium or you can go downtown and experience new and exciting thinks like Lollicup and Sparky's.

Not only are the there many opportunities to try new things, but by living in close proximity to so many people, you learn new concepts and ways of viewing them, which I find incredibly fascinating.

At the end of your first semester of college, you’ll look back on your experiences and realize how much you have grown as an individual and you will be truly amazed.

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