Monday, October 27, 2008

ABQ Journal vs. NY Times

When I was at home, I got basically all of my news from The Albuquerque Journal ( and local TV stations.  Every once in a while I would visit The New York Times' website ( for a different perspective.  
The Albuquerque Journal website does have some advertisements, but on the first frame of the homepage you see the ABQjournal Video section, Albuquerque weather, a search box and hot search topics, as well as tabs to different sections of the paper.  A little bit below that they have the ABQNews Seeker and an ABQ Arrest Map and a picture of the front page of the paper with a link to the eJournal login on the left side bar.  The layout is simple with three columns and boxes separating the sections within the columns.  The content is very recent, with crime information last updated at 1:17 PM MST.  The main story is about Tony Hillerman who died on Sunday night.  This story is both local and national news because Hillerman taught journalism at the University of New Mexico for more than 20 years and lived in New Mexico for more than half a century.  Although the majority of the news is from the Albuquerque Metro Area and New Mexico in general, they do have national and international news.  
The ABQ Journal has 4 other editions, The Mountain View Telegraph, The Rio Rancho Journal, The Journal North/Santa Fe and The West Side Journal, that has the majority of the same news but some information that is more relevant to the different parts of New Mexico it is delivered to.
The New York Times website is definitely more focused on national news and has less specifically New York news because their audience is so diverse.  Their website looks very clean, but I think it could use some more color.  The main story is about the presidential election and politics, of course.  I like that you can individualize the website by going to My Times so you can choose what kind of content you would like to see.  
The Tony Hillerman article that was #1 on the ABQ Journal website is #4 on NY Times, showing that the different audiences want a different kind of news.  I really like both websites, but overall, being an Albuquerque native, I am more interested in the news on ABQ Journal because it seems more relevant to me, even though NY Times is easier to navigate and is less cluttered.

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