Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Good Ol' Daily American Republic

As most of you know I hail from a rather small town in southeast Missouri. I'm fairly certain that our local newspaper the, Daily American Republic, or as we Bluffians like to call it, the DAR. The DAR isn't much of a local newspaper. Sure, it has a daily edition, but the lazy suckers don't even publish a saturday edition. The paper literally takes about 5 minutes to read and thats only if you manage to find even one interesting article. Ads constitute the majority of the information in the newspaper. I sometimes had the feeling that the high school paper had more relevant news in it. 

But anyway I'm supposed to talk about how it converges with todays technology and what not. Well, thats easy. It doesn't. Not at all. Zippo. The paper doesn't have a real website. Sure, it has a URL but all that does is take you to a page where you can literally read the scanned version of the paper. Not very impressive. Plus they have to send you an email daily just so you can log on to read the paper. I had planned on reading it while at CoMo but its to much of a hassle to get that email daily. 

If ever you need an example of what not to do as a journalist just ask me for a copy of the DAR and it'll remind you very quickly of what not to do. I can't even put a picture of their logo on the blog because its not available on their website and I refuse to have to use google images. 

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