If you have ever walked down ninth street on Friday nights, and stumbled across the blue note, you know that there is always something going. Whether its a local fiddle off or a popular band the Blue Note has something for everyone. If you ever get tired of listening to college kids with their shirts off playing their acoustic guitars then check out the happening ninth street establishment. The Blue Note is the megalith of musical entertainment in the Colombia. It was established in 1980, by the very eccentric Richard King. On Saturday's where Mizzou's football team is taking the fight to the enemy's territory, the "Note" as the locals like to call it is filled. All of Colombia's faithful come to watch Mizzou take on it's opponents on the giant screen that is provided. I myself, have partaken in these festivities, the screen is really quite state of the art, and did I mention there is free food?
Just when I was thinking that I was not going to see a good concert while I was here, Motion City Soundtrack was scheduled to play at the Blue Note. With this concert, the Blue Note gave Colombia a hope for music. Very similar to the way that Titanic gave America a reason to believe. I will now give you a detailed recall of my experience at the Blue Note that night. Motion City Soundtrack was an amazing concert. I attended it with some friends of mine and it was really high energy. Everyone was jumping around all over the place and acting crazy, much like the people on the sinking ship in Titanic. The opening bands were not bad as well, they were actually quite entertaining. Much like a young Jack dawson (Lianardo DiCaprio) sneaking on to the ship, I snuck my way to the front of the stage. I had to make my way to the back back, however, because a had to pee. This was very disappointing, because on of my friends got a pick from the bassist, and I could have gotten one.
All things considered the concert was pretty much what I expected it to be, fantastic! The Blue Note is a great place to experience a concert. It is just the right size and it attracts decently well-known bands. The popularity of the place and the character of the building, really makes the Blue Note a fixture for entertainment for years to come, "unsinkable if you will." My experiences at the Blue Note have been enjoyable, thus far. I believe that it is an essential part of Colombia's identity and a great one of the more exciting places in town. Lets say that I am Jack Dawson and the Blue Note is Rose, "I will never let go."
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